Monday, March 17, 2014

more adventures

I remembered a quote our boss said. she said it nicely too which made it funny. "americans are too nice. here you just tell the students to shut up." she makes me laugh

here are some more pix from our parade. i found this on facebook

american teachers at our school: paris, robert, baby maelo, miranda, jonny, me
We went to the Yehliu Geopark. it has cool rock formations. 

on the way home we went car hopping on the train. at every stop we ran out the train, ran down as many cars as we could, and jumped back in. it was fun. anything for a seat (so i can take a nap)

So they have convenience stores everywhere and i just discovered how delicious their pre-cooked meals are. the curry at Familymart (haha i just accidentally typed an f instead of an m) is the best curry i ever had. tastes like it has a lil nutmeg

Sunday morning i had an interview at 4:30 am. they started speaking spanish right off the bat! not pretty. not pretty at all. they definitely should have done the spanish towards the end of the interview when i was starting to wake up

i also had to teach sunday school a few hours later and i was tired! i taught about abraham sarah and isaac, which is my favorite old testament story. visiting abraham's hometown really made that story come alive for me

i really like my ward. there are many nice people

on saturday we ran into another random parade. everything here is so random. there were also pole dancers on top of jeeps. this was a community event with kids!

creepy drunkard. that thing in his hand is a jar of booze and he was spilling it everywhere

i should study some chinese for when i go back to mainland china by myself but im so lazy! these tones are difficult! my motto is if something's difficult, why bother trying?

frisky little dragon that jumps around and throws candy. so cool!
 simpsons quote, "trying is the first step towards failure"

still searching for a job or school. it better not get too difficult or imma quit

im having a good time with the other byu people working at the school. it's a great group and we do everything together. everything

for another one of my job apps they made me take the ACT (not for real but something very similar.) i was pretty mad they made me do that. standardized tests are annoying. they always ask the same types of questions. if u want to do well u just need to read a book that tells you HOW to answer the questions.

a real pig. gross
and  i didnt prep for the test. never prepped for a standardized test before and i wasnt about to start. it's crampin my style


  1. Elliott said "that guy looks like Uncle McKay, doesn't he Dad?" talking about that guy your standing next to with the sunglasses on holding flags. He said "some people have the same faces, don't they Dad?"
