Monday, April 7, 2014

it's always a good time (as sung by maelo)

i'm having a third graduation celebration! So I did my paperwork wrong and won't officially graduate til this month. how embarrassing
my path to graduation

I had a concert. It was interesting. asian performances are so informal.

with friends b4 the concert
anyways, they didnt give me a music stand so i had to read as much as I could from the music of the person in front of me

they also shoved me in the corner with no bowing space. thanks, guys.

I also played cello for 2 songs. i played a chinese song with the erhu teacher and a bach suite (so random)

i got to play with this guy. so cool
Our bishop and his family are so nice. they are all musical and hook me up with instruments. they have 7 kids, which is insanity for taiwan
bishop hu playing an instrument i've never seen before. sounds like a mini organ
I'm still piecing things together here in taiwan. people dont ever tell me things. i learned our school is really strict and conservative compared to other schools. here the teachers are meaner. poor kids. 

me and one of the inmates. His shirt says new jersey!
here are the sort of things my students learn in class
boardwalk fries!
Here's a few more cultural observations.
# 1 -  leopard print is for guys and not for girls

# 2 - hair is crazy

me snapping pixtures at church

# 3 - ill say it again - this place STANK! everywhere!

it looks like the undead are gathering around the trash
I had some frustrating things happen this week. like our boss randomly telling us to submit test grades (that we didn't have hahahahaha)
but how can you stay mad when you get to ride in this?
putting on a play where people don't understand what i'm saying is o so frustrating. i dont speak chinese and they only speak a lil english. its especially hard with the musical terms- they certainly don't speak italian!

i want another 10 minute chinese massage
they beat people with sticks. it was relaxing except when he was hitting me on the head
 i love massages. i miss my weekly massages at byu

after a massage and ice cream wrap i felt like buddha
Hope you aint hungry cuz it's about to get delicious

This is a fun drink shop called coco's. they have tons of drink shops here. mostly tea tho

passion fruit with seeds, coconut jellies, and rice pearls. i love rice pearls
I don't know why there's a little happy loaf of bread on one of the student's lockers. but there is

Nobody takes pictures of food like i do. im an expert.

shaved ice with fun toppings
floating chopsticks

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha "let me take a picture of you taking a picture of someone else taking a picture of their food."
